1.Payroll 工資表
2. Labor Contracts 勞動合同
3. Personnel Files 人事資料
4. Business License 營業執照
5. Proof of state and local tax payment 國稅地稅登記證
6. Sewage discharge permission 排污許可證
7. Toxic or dangerous waste discharge permission 有害廢物排放許可證
8. Factory floor plan 工廠平面圖
9. Factory rules and regulations (Employee handbook) 廠規廠紀 (員工手冊)
10. Are 100% of workforce insured of injury, and authorized insurance certificate from local insurance bureau? 是否有100%的工人參加工傷保險?有當地社保局開出的"社保證明"嗎?
11. Kitchen/canteen hygiene certificate 廚房/餐廳衛生許可證
12. Kitchen/canteen worker's health certificate 廚房/餐廳人員健康證
13. Electrician certificate 電工證
14. Special equipment permit/certificate 特殊設備許可證
15. Special equipment operator permit/certificate 特殊設備操作許可證
16. Fire prevention inspection report on constructions 建筑工程消防驗收意見書
17. Chemical inventory list 化學品清單
18. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for chemicals 化學物品安全資料
19. Fire training and fire drill records for both factory and dormitory.工廠/宿舍消防培訓和消防演習記錄
20. First aid procedure/training records for both factory and dormitory. 工廠/宿舍急救程序/培訓記錄
21. Accident/incident record 突發事件/事故記錄
22. Personal protective equipment (PPE) release and training record. 個人保護用品發放/培訓記錄
23. Fire protection equipment inspection record 消防保護設備檢查記錄
24. Fire equipment list 消防器材清單
25. Hazardous material list 危險品清單
26. Inspection report from Hygiene authority against air, noise in the workshop. 衛生部門對車間空氣,噪音等的檢測報告.
27. Repairing & maintaining records of machines 機器維修記錄
28. Medical clinic diagnostic records 醫療臨床診斷記錄
29. Business license of recycle company 回收單位的經營許可證