| |||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||
152 | Maximum number of workers that the dormitory can accommodate 宿舍能夠容納的最多人數: | | | ||||||||||||||||||
153 | Number of workers currently residing in the dormitory目前住在宿舍的員工人數: | | | ||||||||||||||||||
154 |
| | | ||||||||||||||||||
155 | | | | ||||||||||||||||||
156 | Number of square feet (or meters) living space occupies總的居住面積(平方英尺或平方米): | | | ||||||||||||||||||
157 | Number of workers living in each sleeping quarter每個單元居住的員工人數: | | | ||||||||||||||||||
158 | | | Sq. ft. per sleeping quarter 平方英尺/單元 | | Sq. ft. per worker平方英尺/員工 | | |||||||||||||||
| | ||||||||||||||||||||
B. EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND FIRE SAFETY緊急疏散和消防安全 | |||||||||||||||||||||
| 159 | | | ||||||||||||||||||
| | | · Unlocked沒有上鎖 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| | | · Clearly Marked清楚標識 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| | | · Minimum Width of 33”至少33英寸寬 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| | | · Equipped with emergency lights裝有應急燈 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| | | · Lead to ground level exits通往一樓出口 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| 160 | Are there sufficient number of exits provided in the dormitory facility? 宿舍的出口數量是否足夠? | Yes是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||
| 161 | a. |
| Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| | | If no, give specifics 如果不是,詳細說明: | | | ||||||||||||||||
| | | | ||||||||||||||||||
| | b. |
| Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| 162 | a. |
| Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
| | b. |
| Yes 是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||
163 | | | |||||||||||||||||||
| a) Properly maintained and inspected annually with the date of last inspection正確保養,每年進行檢測,并有上次檢測的日期 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||
| b) Clear of obstacles無障礙物阻擋 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||
| c) Clearly marked and visible to workers清楚標識并且放置在員工容易看到的地方 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||
| d) Mounted on wall and columns throughout the dormitory 掛在整個宿舍的墻上或柱子上 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||
| If not mounted, how is it placed? Give specifics 如果不是掛上,如何放置?詳細說明: | | | ||||||||||||||||||
| | | | ||||||||||||||||||
| e) Easily accessible to workers員工容易取到 | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||
| B. EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND FIRE SAFETY緊急疏散和消防安全 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| 164 | Does the dormitory meet the required standard of one fire extinguisher per 1,000 sq. ft. of living space?宿舍是否達到平均每1,000平方英尺至少有一個滅火器的標準? | Yes是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Total number of fire extinguishers in the dormitory宿舍滅火器總數: | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
| | Fire Extinguishers Ratio滅火器比率 | 1 Fire Extinguisher一個滅火器 | : | | Sq. Ft.平方英尺 | |||||||||||||||||||
| | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 165 | a. | Does the dormitory carry out a fire drill at least once per year?宿舍是否每年至少進行一次消防演習? | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||||
| | b. | If yes, provide date last fire drill was conducted如果是,寫下上次演習的日期: | | | ||||||||||||||||||||
| | c. | Does the dormitory keep a record of the results of this drill?宿舍是否保留此次演習結果的記錄? | Yes是 No否 NA不適用 | |||||||||||||||||||||
| 166 | Has at least 10% of the workers residing in the dormitory been provided hands-on training on the use of a fire extinguisher?是否至少有10%居住在宿舍的員工親自參加過如何使用滅火器的培訓? | Yes是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| 167 | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | · Fire Hoses消防栓 | Yes是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | · Overhead Sprinklers天花灑水喉 | Yes是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | · Audible Fire Alarm System火警警鈴 | Yes是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
C. MEDICAL CARE醫療救助 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
168 | | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| If yes, provide specifics of number of first aid kits in the dormitory如果是,提供急救工具箱具體數目: | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||
169 | Is the first aid kit visible and easily accessible?急救工具箱是否擺放在顯著的地方,并且方便取用? | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
170 | Do first aid kits include the following supplies?急救工具箱里是否有以下物品? | | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Bandages繃帶 | Yes 是 No 否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Sterile Gauze / Cotton Balls消毒紗布/棉球 | Yes 是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Adhesive Tape / Plasters膠帶/膏藥 | Yes 是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Disinfecting / Antiseptic Agent消毒/防腐劑 | Yes 是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Antibacterial Ointment抗菌藥膏 | Yes 是 No 否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Sterile / Surgical Gloves消毒/外科手套 | Yes是 No 否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Pain Reliever Tablets鎮痛藥片 | Yes 是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Forceps (Tweezers)鑷子(小鑷子) | Yes是 No 否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Disposable Gloves一次性手套 | Yes 是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Tourniquet止血帶 | Yes 是 No 否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| | Other 其它: | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
| 171 | a. | Is it legally required to maintain a sick bay in the dormitory?法規是否規定宿舍必需有醫務室? | Yes是 No否 | |||||||||||||||||||||
| | b. |
| Yes是 No否 NA不適用 | |||||||||||||||||||||
| 172 | Does the dormitory maintain an injury log?宿舍是否保留受傷記錄? | Yes是 No否 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
D. SANITATION衛生設施 | |||||
173 | | Yes是 No否 | |||
174 | Does the water supply appear sufficient for the size of the workers residing in the dormitory?與居住在宿舍的員工人數相比,飲用水供應是否充足? | Yes是 No否 | |||
175 | Does the dormitory provide reasonably free access to toilet and shower facilities? 在合理的條件下,員工是否允許自由出入洗手間和沖涼房? | Yes是 No否 | |||
| 176 | | Yes是 No否 | ||
177 | Are there sufficient windows, fans, air conditioners and/or heaters in all sleeping areas for adequate circulation, ventilation and temperature control?宿舍是否有足夠的窗戶、風扇、空調和/或加熱器保持室內的通風、透氣和溫度? | Yes是 No否 | |||
178 | Are living spaces segregated by gender?男女員工的居住區域是否分開? | Yes是 No否 | |||
| 179 | Does the dormitory provide each worker any of the following?宿舍是否符合以下條件? | | ||
| | · Individual mat or bed為每位員工提供獨立的床墊或床 | Yes是 No否 | ||
| | · At least 50 square feet of space exclusive of common areas平均每位員工至少有50平方英尺的居住面積(不包括公共面積) | Yes是 No否 |