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Vendor Audit Checklist

來源:www.ruogucaotang.net 作者:溫州驗廠網 發布時間:2007-06-20
1 Is there a manager responsible for quality ?        
2 Are they independent of production ?       
3 Is there a contact person available outside of factory hours?     
1 Is the factory registered to (EN) ISO 9001 / 2?        
2 Does the factory have a documented Quality Policy?       
3 Has the policy been communicated throughout the company?      
4 Is there a Quality Manual ?       
5 Are there some records of management review?      
6 Have the records been maintained?       
7 Is there a documented customer complaints handling procedure?     
1 Is the Tesco International Non-Food Supplier Manual available on site?       
2 Do “Technical Files” exist for all products made on site?     
3 Are approved product samples made available to the production unit?    
4 Are approved specifications made available to the production unit?    
5 Is there an amendment procedure?       
6 Can specification amendments be made without customer authorisation?    
7 Does the factory have a formal product risk assessment procedure?    
8 If “yes” is there a written assessment for all product types?     
9 Does this procedure detail critical control (inspection) points?     
10 Does this procedure identify pass / fail tolerances ?      
11 Is the production process broken down into stages?      
12 Is this clearly understood by all relevant personnel?      
13 Are written work instructions available to all personnel?     
14 Are records kept of on-line inspections / test results?      
15 Is there a procedure for action to be taken when non-conformancies are found?    
16 Does the factory have a pest control procedure?      
17 Are internal audits carried out ?       
18 If “yes” are the audits recorded ?       
19 Is the internal auditor independent of the area being audited ?     
20 Do the auditors have any formal auditing training?       
21 Has the factory been audited by Tesco personnel before ?     
22 Has another retailer or third party auditor audited the factory ?     
23 Are procedures in place to notify customers of any non-compliances?    
24 Are there documented crisis management (e.g. product recall) procedures?    
1 Is there a manager responsible for Health and Safety?        
2 Are adequate fire exits provided ?       
3 Are fire escapes provided for buildings over one storey high ?     
4 Are the fire exits unlocked whenever employees are on the premises ?    
5 Are all fire exits clearly identified and accessible ?      
6 Is adequate emergency fire fighting equipment in place ?     
7 Is all emergency fire fighting equipment serviced, with records kept?    
8 Is there a fire evacuation procedure ?       
9 Is there a fire alarm installed and working ?      
10 Are water sprinkler systems fitted and operational?      
11 Are first aid boxes / facilities provided?        
12 Are all injuries / accidents recorded ?       
13 Are procedures in place to notify customers of any non-compliances?    
14 Are there documented crisis management (e.g. product recall) procedures?    
15 Has a noise risk assessment been carried out ?      
16 Are toilet facilities functional and clean?       
17 Are handwashing facilities provided ?       
18 Are any other sanitation facilities provided ?      
19 Is lighting adequate in all areas ?       
20 Are cleaning procedures in place in all areas of the factory?     
21 Is the factory well ventilated and adequately heated / cooled ?     
22 Are separate eating facilities provided ?       
23 Do employees have access to fresh drinking water ?      
24 Is eating and drinking in the factory restricted to designate areas?     
25 Does the company provide appropriate protective clothing to employees?    
26 Is training in the correct use of safety equipment provided?     
1 Is regular maintenance and calibration carried out on all machinery and equipment?     
2 Are maintenance records kept for each machine and piece of equipment?    
3 Are all machines fitted with appropriate guards?       
4 Are all machines fitted with safety cut out devices, where appropriate?     
5 Is new equipment fully tested before being used in production?     
1 Are there documented specifications for all raw materials?       
2 Are all raw material specifications agreed with the supplier?     
3 Are there records showing compliance to specification?      
4 Are there records of non-conformances and action taken as a result?    
5 Are raw material suppliers risk assessed?      
6 Does the factory audit raw material suppliers?      
7 Are materials certified as suitable for food use (where applicable)?     
8 Is all wood sourced from sustainably managed sources      
9 Are wooden materials purchased free from pesticides or preservatives?     
10 Are batches clearly identified?        
11 Do the stock records show these numbers?       
12 Are non-conformances clearly identified?       
13 Are non-conformances kept in a clearly labelled (quarantine) area?     
14 Are all raw materials and components stored off the floor / on racks?    
15 Are all raw materials and components protected from dirt?       
16 Is there a documented stock control system for all raw materials?     
17 Are the conditions suitable for the type of raw materials / components?    
18 Are inspections carried out by factory on incoming materials?     
19 If “yes” are these tests / checks recorded?      
20 Are certificates of conformity supplied for all material deliveries?     
21 Are raw materials positively released into production?      
22 Is any part of the production sub-contracted out to a third party ?     
23 Has the factory audited the sub-contractors?      
24 Are there any records of what is sent out to sub-contractor?      
25 Are there any records of goods returned by sub-contractor?      
26 Are any inspections carried out on these goods?       
27 Are records kept of these inspections?        
28 Are any non-conformances identified?        
1 Are detailed work instructions available to all production workers?       
2 Are production lines cleared of all materials at the end of each run?     
3 Is equipment calibration checked daily?       
4 Are records kept of these calibrations?        
5 Are pre-production meetings held?       
6 Are raw material lot numbers recorded for each production run?     
7 Is production continuously monitored to check compliance against specifications?   
8 Are statistical process control methods used?      
9 Are metal detectors used on the production lines?      
10 Are on-line checkweighers used?       
1 Are in-line inspections carried out?          
2 If “yes” are these recorded?        
3 Is the product traceable throughout the production process?      
4 Are records kept of actual production that has taken place?      
5 Are approved samples available within the production area?      
6 Is there an inspection on final boxed goods?       
7 If “yes” are records kept of these inspections?       
8 Is an approved sample available for reference by production staff?     
9 Is there a laboratory on site?        
10 Is the laboratory accredited?        
11 Are the tests recorded?         
12 Are production samples sent to external laboratory for verification?    
1 Is there an approved packaging reference sample available for staff ?      
2 Are packaging reference standards available at the packing line?     
3 Are batch codes / lot numbers applied to the outer packaging?     
4 Is there a warehouse facility on site?        
5 Is the warehouse clean and weather proof?      
6 Does the factory have definite glass policy?       
7 Rejection system diverts product stream?      
8 Are periodic mechanical inspections performed?      
9 Are products clearly identified?        
10 Are “first-in-first-out” (FIFO) procedures in place      
11 Does the factory carry out its own deliveries / distribution?     
12 Is there a recording system of goods in and goods out?      
13 Is there a positive release system for packed goods?       
1 Has the factory had an E.T.I. (Ethical Trading Initiative) or a S.A. 8000 audit / assessment?     
2 Does the factory have documented evidence of EVERY employee’s age?    
3 Are any deductions made ?       
4 Is ANY overtime worked paid at an increased rate to the normal working hour rate ?   
5 Is overtime voluntary ?        
6 Are all employees entitled to paid leave ?      
7 Are all employees entitled to paid sick leave ?      
8 Do all employees come to work of their own free will ?     
9 Has any form of prison labour currently or in the past been used ?     
10 Are employees able to join any association of their choosing ?     
11 Are there disciplinary procedures currently in place within the factory ?    
12 Are there procedures in place to avoid any employee being discriminated against ?   
13 Are there any local laws existing with regards to the environment ?     
14 If “yes” are there records to prove that these being adhered to  ?     
15 Does the factory have a training school on site for employees?      
16 Are there any records of all employees training and skills ?