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來源:www.ruogucaotang.net 作者:溫州驗廠網 發布時間:2007-04-28

Documentation for Legal Social Compliance in PRC(not exhaustive)

1.       Business Registration Certificates 營業執照

2.       1.Factory regulations, including the policies on working hours system, overtime  compensations and other legal benefits廠規或員工手冊-包括對工作時間,加班津貼,法定福利之制度

3.       Labor contract (individual)全體員工之勞動合同(個人)

4.       Employment Registration Records. 全體員工之入職記錄(包括:身份證副本)

5.       Approval on Comprehensives Calculation of Working Hours System (if applicable) or Overtime Waiver 綜合計時工作制定之批準文件或延長加班申請.

6.       Payment receipt of social insurance schemes.社會保險之繳費收據.

7.       Official testimonials on coverage of social insurance schemes. 當地社會保險局證明文件.

8.       Fire drill records 消防演習記錄

9.       Fire Prevention Certification 消防驗收合格證.

10.   MSDS for hazardous substances/chemicals 危險物料安全資料卡.

11.   Work Permits for special & dangerous operations 特種作業之操作證: 電工作業,鍋爐司爐,壓力容器操作,其中機械作業,爆破作業,金屬焊接與氣割作業,煤礦井下瓦斯檢驗,機動車輛駕駛,機動船舶駕駛與輪機操作,建筑登高架設作業.

12.   Hygiene Certificate for canteen in factory. 飯堂衛生證.

13.   Health examination records of canteen workers.飯堂衛生證.

14.   Health examination records of juvenile workers(aged 16-18). 未成年工之健康體檢證明(16-18).

15.   First aid certificates. 急救員證書.

16.   Leave application. 請假單.

17.   Payroll records of previous 12 months. 12個月內之工資記錄.

18.   Attendance records of previous 12 months. 12個月內之工作時間記錄.

19.   Production Records. 生產資料(生產日報表,倉庫收發記錄,QC檢查記錄,斷針記錄等.)