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來源:www.ruogucaotang.net 作者:溫州驗廠網 發布時間:2014-02-20

12. 廚房餐飲服務許可證及廚工健康證

Kitchen’s Catering Service License and Cooks’Health Certificate

13. 職業危害因素檢測報告和員工職業健康檢查報告

Occupational Hazards Factors Testing Report and Employee Occupational Health Examination Report

14. 化學品清單,化學品物質安全資料表,危險化學品事故應急救援預案和演練記錄

List of all Chemical, MSDS, Dangerous Chemical Emergency Succor Plan and Drill Record

15. 環保文件(如建設項目環境影響評價文件(環境影響報告書、環境影響報告表或者環境影響登記表),環評批復,建設項目環境竣工驗收報告,排污許可證/排放污染物申報登記表/監測報告,輻射設備(如有)的環評、驗收及安全許可證等)

Environmental Documents such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Document(Environmental Impact Report, Environmental Impact Report Form or fill out Environmental Impact Registration Form), EIA Approval, Acceptance Check of Environmental Protection of Construction Projects, Pollutant Discharging Permit /Declaration Form of Pollutants Discharged /Monitoring Report, Radiation Safety’s (if any) EIA report, Acceptance Check and Permit, and etc.

16. 危險廢物處置單位的營業執照和經營許可證,危險廢物處理合同,危險廢物轉移聯單等

Business License and Business Permit of Dangerous Waste Collector, Service Agreement and Dangerous Waste Disposal Duplicated Form

17. 企業規章制度或員工手冊(包括但不僅限于針對招聘、歧視、強迫勞動、工時、薪資福利、獎懲制度、健康及安全、結社自由和集體談判、環境保護的內容)


Enterprise Regulation or Employee Handbook (Including but not limit to, recruitment, discrimination, forced labor,working hours, compensation & benefit, disciplinary procedure, working conditions, health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining, environmental protection)

18. 安全生產教育和培訓記錄,如:消防安全培訓、安全生產規章制度和崗位安全操作規程、安全使用化學品的培訓、職業衛生培訓

Work Safety Education and Training records, such as Fire Safety training, Work Safety Rules and Post Safety Operation Procedure, Chemical Safety Training Records, Occupational Health Training

19. 政府有關當地最低工資標準文件 Local Minimum Wage Standard


Leave Application Form, Resignation Application Form with Approval (Last 12 months)

21. 生產記錄(過去十二個月),如生產日報表、計件記錄、品檢記錄等

Production Records (Last 12 months), such as Daily Production Records, Piece-rate Records, Quality Control Records, and etc

22. 未成年工體檢及勞動局登記記錄

Young Workers’ Health Examination and Registration Records

